Band Policies

Rehearsal Schedule
Rehearsals will be on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.. Please be there and ready to play at 7:00 to ensure we begin on time. The rehearsal site will be open by 6:30 p.m. If a late arrival is unavoidable, please call the director and leave a message prior to 6:30 p.m.

Concert Participation
This is a group that rehearses together for an ensemble performance. It is critical that you are at the performance for the sake of the entire ensemble.

Every participant is important at every rehearsal in a performing ensemble. It is essential that each member of the group attend every rehearsal. The following events are excusable with prior notification:
  • Illness or emergency
  • Previously scheduled appointments; plenty of advance notice would be greatly appreciated
  • Inclement weather - tornado warning, severe thunderstorms, ice or snow. The director will communicate such cancellations via e-mail.
  • For our high school student members, conflicts with high school schedules and commitments. The high school related appointments take precedence over CCCB rehearsals. However, having too much homework is not a valid excuse to miss rehearsal, especially if it is poor planning on your part!
To reiterate, timely notification of your absence is very important for the band director in order get the most out of our limited rehearsal time!

E-mail is our primary communication tool outside of our rehearsals. However, you may reach the band director by e-mail or voicemail, as needed. The director may not remember all the topics discussed during rehearsal and would appreciate e-mail reminders on future absences or other concerns.  Please try to check your e-mail at least twice a week to stay current on CCCB happenings.

You are responsible for maintaining your music folder. Please bring it with you to every rehearsal and take it home with you afterwards. If you need a copy of a piece of music, see the band librarian before rehearsal begins or at the break. The director may assign specific parts for certain sections, so please ensure to always have your own music. Also, you must keep a pencil at your stand to make notes on the music.

Performance Dress
The semester fee covers the cost of the CCCB polo shirt used for performances. We dress in the polo and black pants for indoor concerts and the polo and khaki pants for outdoor concerts. Dress shoes are required, preferably black.

Semester Fees
A $25 donation is requested for each band season (August through May). This is averages to $2 per month over the course of the season. The money covers the cost of the music book, CCCB polo, new music for the ensemble, offsite transportation of instruments/stands, and repair expenses for borrowed instruments. For full-time students, the cost is $15 per year. Payment is due by the second month of rehearsals after you join.

Scholarships are available and no one will be turned away from the group if he or she is unable to make this financial contribution. You are welcome to donate in excess of this fee to help with the scholarship fund. Join the Crescendo Club!

Rehearsal and practice are not the same. Please take time between rehearsals to work on your parts for us to get the most out time together. Rehearsals are for creating music, not for drilling parts.