About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a deeper understanding of the human experience through the study and performance of music and to provide the finest artistic, intellectual, and cultural experience possible for both the performer and the listener.

About the Band

The CCCB began in January of 2009 under the vision and direction of Sherie Grossman.  The group rehearses at various places in West Wilson County like Mt. Juliet High School and Lebanon High School, and has the support of both schools' music departments and administration.  They have performed for the community many times, including the free Summer Concert series at Charlie Daniels Park.

In the Spring of 2008, Mrs. Grossman approached the West Wilson Community Arts Alliance about supporting a Community Wind Ensemble.  They were ecstatic, and plans began to start the group.  The response has been overwhelming, and the group is now over 60 members ranging in age from 15 to over 60. 


To be kept up to date on our concert dates, like our public Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CedarCreekCommunityBand
    You can also check out our Facebook group for band members at https://www.facebook.com/groups/cedarcreekcommunityband